Real Estate Market Analysis for Tarzana

Real Estate Market Analysis for Tarzana


The Tarzana real estate market showcases a variety of properties and pricing trends, indicating a dynamic and competitive environment. Below is a detailed report based on the latest data, providing insights into the current state of the market.

Key Market Indicators

  • Median List Price: $2,499,500
  • Median Price of New Listings: $2,124,500
  • Price per Square Foot: $759
  • Average Days on Market: 54
  • Median Days on Market: 49
  • Price Decreased: 34%
  • Price Increased: 3%
  • Relisted: 16%
  • Inventory: 58
  • Median Rent: $8,750
  • Market Action Index: 37 (Slight Seller's Advantage)

Detailed Property Data

Price Sq. Ft. Lot Size Beds Bath Age New Absorbed Days on Market
$4,122,500 5,750 0.25 - 0.5 acre 6 6.8 21 0 0 52
$3,099,500 3,712 0.25 - 0.5 acre 4 4 61 1 1 63
$2,195,000 2,955 0.25 - 0.5 acre 4 4 61 2 1 49
$1,695,000 2,146 6,500 - 8,000 sqft 4 3 62 1 4 28

Market Analysis

Median List Price and New Listings

The median list price in Tarzana is $2,499,500, while the median price of new listings is slightly lower at $2,124,500. This indicates that while there are high-value properties available, newer listings may be entering the market at more competitive prices.

Price Per Square Foot

The average price per square foot is $759. This metric helps potential buyers compare properties of different sizes, providing a clearer picture of property value relative to size.

Days on Market

Properties in Tarzana spend an average of 54 days on the market, with a median of 49 days. This suggests a relatively brisk market where properties are sold fairly quickly.

Pricing Trends

  • Price Decreased: 34% of properties have seen a price reduction, indicating some flexibility in the market.
  • Price Increased: 3% of properties have had a price increase, suggesting that sellers are occasionally adjusting prices upwards.
  • Relisted Properties: 16% of properties have been relisted, indicating that some properties were withdrawn and later re-entered the market, possibly after adjustments or renovations.

Inventory and Market Action

The current inventory of 58 properties suggests a balanced market. However, with a Market Action Index of 37, there is a slight seller's advantage, meaning that while the market is competitive, sellers may have a slight upper hand in negotiations.

Detailed Property Profiles

  1. Luxury Estate

    • Price: $4,122,500
    • Size: 5,750 sq. ft.
    • Lot Size: 0.25 - 0.5 acre
    • Beds/Baths: 6/6.8
    • Age: 21 years
    • New Listings: 0
    • Days on Market: 52
  2. Spacious Family Home

    • Price: $3,099,500
    • Size: 3,712 sq. ft.
    • Lot Size: 0.25 - 0.5 acre
    • Beds/Baths: 4/4
    • Age: 61 years
    • New Listings: 1
    • Days on Market: 63
  3. Modern Townhouse

    • Price: $2,195,000
    • Size: 2,955 sq. ft.
    • Lot Size: 0.25 - 0.5 acre
    • Beds/Baths: 4/4
    • Age: 61 years
    • New Listings: 2
    • Days on Market: 49
  4. Classic Bungalow

    • Price: $1,695,000
    • Size: 2,146 sq. ft.
    • Lot Size: 6,500 - 8,000 sqft
    • Beds/Baths: 4/3
    • Age: 62 years
    • New Listings: 1
    • Days on Market: 28

Contact Information

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